
The Enduring Power of Bioenergetic Therapy

From Trauma to Joy. Published on Psychotherapy Networker.
In the article I tell the story of a neurodivergent client who transformed severe depression and trauma to living a life of joy. “I’ve been feeling an aliveness in my body that I never felt before,” she said. “I’m finally beginning to enjoy my life again.”

From the Despair of Impossibility to Finding Hope in the Possible

In this article I responded to the prompt: How, as a community, do we repair a sick world when it is anguished with mental suffering? My answer centers on finding a path to be helpful in my work with a very traumatized client and on addressing some of the complexity in the Israeli/Palestinian situation. You can read it here or online by clicking this link. 

Defensive Style in Bioenergetic Therapy: What it means and why it matters

Published in the Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis, 2023 (33), 81 – 93

How Bioenergetic Psychotherapy Unlocks the Feelings Carried in Your Body

This science-based approach to therapy explores the mind-body connection as a healing modality.

Wise Therapist Spotlight The Academy of Therapy Wisdom Dec, 2022

How I Sustain Hope and Resilience

The profound changes I witness in my clients give me hope, not only for them as individuals but for humanity and the resilience of life. I have observed my client’s capacity to survive in even the harshest of conditions in my psychotherapy practice. When conditions change, through the support, understanding, guidance, and encouragement they receive from me and others in their lives, I have the pleasure of seeing them shift from surviving to thriving. 

Therapy Chat

Bioenergetic Therapy with Laurie Ure

Shrink Rap Radio

Laurie Ure LICSW Discussing Her Work in Bioenergetics

Elephant Journal

What brings us pleasure? Let our body be our guide.

WomanBeeWell Magazine

Guidance is closer than you think… learn how to trust your body’s inherent intuition.

Connecting with the Body: The frontier linking psychotherapy, social change and spirituality

Helping clients connect more fully with themselves, especially with their bodies, lies at the frontier of psychotherapy. Therapists have a unique opportunity to guide clients in deepening connection with themselves (their body, mind, and emotions) and with others.

Strengthening Personal Boundaries: The Bioenergetic Approach

When June first set foot in my office, I knew I had my work cut out for me. June had the classic symptoms of PTSD: difficulty sleeping, persistent hyperarousal, significant tension in her body, and chronic exhaustion. She lived alone and hadn’t been in an intimate relationship for almost a decade. She had few close friends and had severed nearly all contact with her family.

Rethinking Anger: The Bioenergetic Therapy Approach

Published on Psychotherapy Networker online blog, Oct, 2020

Bioenergetic therapy, a psychodynamic, integrated body-mind approach, regards anger differently, providing tools that can help clients access and express anger in safe ways.

Love, Sex & Self-Respect: Your Body Holds the Keys

Do you wonder about other ways to help your clients, especially to feel more loved, have more pleasurable sexuality and/or respect themselves more fully? Do you wish to have more tools and techniques to address their underlying unhappiness? Although people express it differently, often beneath the suffering which brings clients to the attention of social workers, lies a desire to experience more of the joy of love, the pleasure possible with sexuality, and the good feeling of self-respect.

Addressing Sexuality in Bioenergetic Therapy: A Contemporary Approach

Embodied sexuality can provide some of the best of what life has to offer including feelings of pleasure, connection and satisfaction. For many people, however, sexuality has led to some of life’s worst experiences – violations, broken connections, and traumas that lead to feelings of shame and guilt. Sexual issues may underlie many mental health issues including depression, anxiety and PTSD.

Working with Boundaries in Bioenergetic Therapy

Many of the challenges which impact people coming to our attention as social workers relate to the issue of boundaries – how a person experiences their personal boundaries, how they express their boundaries to those around them, and how they experience the boundaries of others. We use the term boundaries to describe a variety of things – such as the physical boundaries in a sport, to the boundaries as a dividing line between areas, to the boundaries of a person\’s knowledge or experience.

Grounding – a foundation of Bioenergetic Therapy

Grounding is an effective exercise for people with common issues such as anxiety, depression and recovering from trauma. It can help people get stronger in setting boundaries for themselves and in reaching out for support. Many people who come to therapy complain of worrying, their mind racing, perseverating, negative self-talk, low self-esteem, etc.

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I came to Bioenergetic therapy just wanting enough relief to be able to carry on. I never imagined that I could experience the freedom and joy that I now have. I am so very thankful and I highly recommend Bioenergetic Therapy to anyone looking for balance and healing in their lives.

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